Weekend Bible Thought

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

                                                                Acts 4:13 (Read all of Acts 4)
                                                                King James Version

The boldness seen was the kind of boldness that only a well educated public speaker would exhibit.  The Jewish rulers experienced and readily recognized that Peter and John had not studied in any of their known institutions of higher education of that day.  They marveled at the speaking ability of these men.  In their minds, these men, having just participated in the healing of the lame man at the Gate called Beautiful should not be able to publicly communicate so clearly.  But one striking admission was made, "they took note that they had been with Jesus."  No greater education can ever be had than to be personally taught by the one and only King of the Universe.  Peter and John had the opportunity to sit at the feet of Jesus and look into his mouth as he taught on the Mount of Olives; the Mount of Transfiguration; the tomb of Lazarus; the raising of the young girl from the dead; to hear His High Priestly prayer in John 17; and watch him dismantle every objection of the Scribes and Pharisees; cleanse the Temple with the eternal words, "my house shall be called a house of prayer," even to watch through sleepy eyes, the agonizing prayers of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemene, (a pre-crucifixion crucifixion of self).  They watched, listened and learned what suffering for the sake of obedience looked like as the Master endured great contradiction of sinners, yet He went to a cruel cross for the very ones that crucified Him, and they heard Him pray from the cross, Father forgive them.  Finally they received the Holy Ghost, who is called a teacher, and the Jewish leaders dared to say that these men were unlearned and ignorant.  Far from it!  They had obtained the best education available unrivaled  in that time or this.

You, Christian, true believer, know ye not that Jesus is still teaching us through His Holy Spirit?  Know ye not, that nothing has changed, and that He is the same yesterday, today and forever?  Many are being robbed by a thief called humanism, forming God into a concept crafted by a humanistic religion of dead works; no wonder not many mighty works are seen today.  We are being bought off by our arch enemy, the same one who offer Jesus, all the kingdoms of the world and the power of those kingdoms if Jesus would only bow down and worship him.  Listen closely and you'll hear this very same devilish offer repeated over and over again through the mouths of some of your favorite "so called" Christian teachers.  They might or might not be Christians, but many teach a mixture of secular humanistic Christianity (if there be such a thing), which is not Christian but as Paul called it, another gospel.
Pray Church, pray that God will shake us once more, and wake us out of our lethargy to serve and live as He prescribes; so that note will be taken of us that we had been with Jesus.

In HIm,
bro. leroy


Weekend Bible Thought

Sunday, November 21, 2010

When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

                                         Matthew 16:13-16 (Read all of Matthew 16)
                                         King James Version

Jesus' ministry was initially to His own people.  His message was the good news of the Kingdom of God.  His delivery was the same, straight forward Truth, without compromise.  He never said I'm sorry, or I think I may have mis-spoken.  He never took back any of His words.  He was the God man, just as much God as He was man, tempted in all points yet without sin.  The accuracy of His message was an absolute necessity, He could not afford any misunderstanding of His truth especially among His closest followers.  The questions He asked in today's scripture was epic: "whom do men say that I the Son of Man am?" The answer was a direct and accurate response to a specific question: "Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets."  While, there may have still existed a question in some of the disciples minds about exactly who Jesus was, this particular response was not one of confusion, but a direct reply to what was asked; they told Him what men were saying about Him.  His next question however, was the apparent real point of the entire discussion, and the correct answer was of utmost importance: "but whom say ye that I am?"  Peter in his response, confirmed: (1) who Jesus was; (2) Peter's position of leadership among the disciples; and (3) the apparent right to deliver the very first public message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Acts 2: "thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."  The scripture goes on to account that Jesus called Peter blessed because his response indicated that the Father God and not men had directly revealed the identity of Jesus the Messiah to Peter; and to the world hitherto.

It is by Divine revelation that a man or woman will ever know who Jesus Christ is.  The land overflows with imitators who repeat what someone has said about Jesus only because it's always been that way.  No good church going person will publicly refute the truth that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God.  It's a verbally convenient confession for many, sometimes hiding the real heart condition of the confessor.  This is why Paul wrote that it's not the hearers of the law that shall be justified by God but the doers.  Jesus said a certain type are known by their fruits.  Lest I give the appearance of high mindedness, please know that my heart is to cause a true authentication of identity in the Body of Christ.  A heart examination even in the physical is highly recommended.  Spiritually, it is more than highly recommended because of the eternal consequences.  Don't depend on your earthly great grandmothers religion, or your grandmother, or the religion of your mother or father.  Every born again believer must start their born again life from a position of revelation received from the Father, causing conviction of sin, repentance from dead works, and conversion, or spiritual birth.

I believe just about everyone has heard the words to the old classic song: 

Give me that old time religion, give me that old time religion, give me that old time religion, it's good enough for me.
It goes on to say, it was good enough for my mother . . . it was good enough for my father . . . it's good enough for me. 

But I say to you today,
The old time religion is not good enough if that religion starts with the wrong revelation. 

Ask God for help to search your heart and determine once and for all where you stand with Him so you can have total peace in Him.

Since this thought started with two questions let's end with two questions to ask ourselves:

(1) Do I live in truth?
(2) Does Truth live in me?

(Galatians 2:20)

In HIm,
bro. leroy